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Flies: Why Nobody Likes Them

House flies hangout at places like dumps, sewers, and garbage heaps. They feed on fecal matter, discharges from wounds and sores, sputum, and all sorts of moist decaying matter such as spoiled fish, eggs and meat. But House Flies do have one use. House Flies affinity for corpses makes them quite useful to Forensic Entomologists. Forensic Scientists use the knowledge of the flies’ life cycle to gauge the amount of time a corpse has been decomposing.


House Flies cannot bite.

House Flies are generally 3/16 to 1/4 inches in length

Males are slightly smaller than the females

Females have more space between eyes than the males

The body of a House Fly is covered with hair like projections

There are approximately 100,000 species of flies in the world

House Flies have two translucent wings and a gray thorax marked with four dark stripes

House Flies eat rotting organic matter, such as decaying food and flesh, feces, and mucus

House Flies are the most common species found on hog and poultry farms, horse stables and ranches


House Fly eggs are laid near food source for larvae

House Fly eggs are laid in just about any warm, moist material, manure or fermenting vegetation

Hatchings take place, in warm weather, within 12 to 24 hours

The young maggots become fully grown in 3-7 days

When adults emerge they begin mating immediately

Female house flies can lay as many as 500 eggs in a lifetime

An entire life cycle; egg, larva, pupa to winged adult may occur in 6-10 days

Adults may live an average of 30 days in the wild


Fly swatter

Good sanitation

Fly paper and fly traps

Seal garbage cans and bags thoroughly

Serious infestations may require a licensed professional

Seal all cracks and small spaces around the home preventing flies from enter the home

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